Witch’s Advent 2017

~ Witch’s Advent ~

I would like to share with you a special spell that I created not too very long ago in 2007, my ‘Witch’s Advent’. Patterned after the Christian Advent and its four weeks of spiritual preparation for Christmas, Witch’s Advent culminates with Yule. It is an interesting case where the rituals of a holiday which has its origins in ancient Yule celebrations and rituals has influenced modern day Witch’s practice. Hmm, everything old is new again, etc. Every year I have expanded and evolved this spell/ritual.

Every year since 2007 I find it has more meaning for me.

Each week for the 4 weeks before Yule, I light a candle. I set my intention and aim my magick at manifesting said intention.

You don’t need any special ritual or ceremony.
I like to light a candle and stare into the flame for a few minutes just to calm and center. Then state what you wish to yourself or out loud, but with conviction. Say it like you know you deserve it and it is going to be granted. Document it in your Book of Shadows… what ever you wished, what ever ritual you created.

The wishes are for you and you alone. What will make you happy?

The 4 Sundays of Christmas Advent focus on preparing for the return of the light of god. The general theme is self preparation by acknowledging one’s faults then making a commitment to do and be better. The third Sunday is the only one with a set theme. Joy. Faithful are reminded that “God is Love” and this is a time of joyful celebration.

What I decided to do was count back 4 weeks from Yule and that would be the first day of my Witch’s Advent. Each week I light a candle to help focus my intention and then on the morning of the Solstice I spent the time (about an hour) from first light to sunrise contemplating my wishes, and what if anything have I already seen develop.. It is a good time to release the qualities and things you no longer need, and plan for the months ahead…. I write about it in my Book of Shadows as I wait to greet the Sun.

One year I lit a white candle and let it burn about ¼ of the way down before extinguishing it and lighting it again the following week. I did this 4 times, letting it burn the rest of the way down with the 4th ‘wish’. When I got a place where it was safe to leave a 7 day candle burning, I began using them, and started a new one for each wish. Recent years I have begun invoking the energies of the elements with each wish corresponding to one of the elements and lighting a candle whose color represented the element to me. This year I plan to decorate 7 day pull out candles. One for each wish and I will inscribe, decorate, spell and enchant a candle and let it burn for the course of the week. I will also create a 5th candle to light on Solstice morning at sunrise. I like the way creating my spell candles helps me develop a clear intention and focus my magickal energy. It also speaks volumes to how my magickal life has evolved from something I did quickly, quietly and privately to a family involved process where I can create spell candles and altars that are left out for the enjoyment of my family.

I enjoy sharing my Witch’s Advent each year as there are no strict rules. I offer what I do and how I have evolved my spell as a guide. I encourage you to create your own meaningful spell work or ritual.

This year, Winter Solstice occurs Thursday, December 21st at 3:28 PM UTC.

Solstice means ‘Sun Stand Still.’ It is not the day of the Sun’s Rebirth, but when the Sun died. Every day since the Summer Solstice, the Sun rose just a little lower on the horizon and sunset came just a little bit earlier each night until the Winter Solstice.

Upon the Winter Solstice, the Sun rises at its lowest point in the sky and Sets on the shortest day of the year. For three days, the Sun will rise at the same low point. On the third day, it ‘rises’ one degree higher on the horizon and the day last just a little bit longer. The Sun is reborn.

Generally, the sun will rise at the same time and point on the horizon on 12/20 and 12/21, symbolically dying. On 12/22 it will rise at 1 degree higher on the horizon, there by, on the 3rd day, it will rise again and be reborn.

When you take 12/21, typical date for the Winter Solstice and add to it three days, you get 12/24 which is the date many celebrate the Birth of the SunGod or the Son of God in the form of Christmas Eve on 12/24 even though historians have proved that the Christ Child was born in Spring.

Pagans begin celebrations and rituals the night before with bonfires / watch-fires lit at sunset and a vigil kept until sunrise to greet the sun after the longest night has been survived. I like to light my candles after sunset so I will begin by counting back weeks from December 20th (or 21st depending.)

That makes your 4 advent dates (counting back from December 21st, 2017):
November 23rd
November 30th
December 7th
December 14th

If you wish, you can invoke Air to aid your magick on the 1st wish,
Fire to aid your magick on the 2nd wish,
Water with the 3rd,
Earth with the 4th,

On the night before Solstice, on December 20th, invoke Akasha (spirit) to help you meditate on the past 4 weeks, the upcoming season of Winter and what the return of the Sun means for you in your life.

Personally, I work closely with Lunar energy. I look up the Zodiac placement of Moon on the dates I choose to cast my intentions (Wishes) and see if that guides my elemental choices. Although some may feel the order I will invoke the Elements is out of order, I am ok with that as I am not casting circle or creating Sacred Space, but working with each Element individually.

November 23rd, Moon will be in Aquarius, an Air sign. I will light a yellow candle, invoke Air, and cast my wish. I will even mediate on what Moon in Aquarius energy feels for me and use that to empower my wish. November 30th, Moon will be in Taurus, Earth. December 7th, Moon will be in Leo, Fire. December 14th, Moon will be in Scorpio, Water. I tend to use a combination of color and scent. I use herbs, crystals, glitters, and oils to create a complete spell candle.

If you are using candles, then you may choose the color of your candle or the color of what you decorate your candle with to represent the element as well as your intention and you may also use a 5th candle on Solstice.
Weather permitting, I will light a watch fire in my backyard stay up to greet the Sunrise on the morning after Solstice and celebrate the re-birth of the Sun (God) in my life.

Not everyone can light candles and fires in their homes or have anything visible that will cause family to question their activities. The magick is not in the candle. The magick is the season and the power is within yourself. Do you draw? Perhaps then you can draw in you magickal journal in colors that correspond to the element you invoke to empower your wish. If you are not artistically inclined then maybe just write out your wish in that color. Do you prefer to work with crystals and gemstones? Pick 4 or 5, one to represent each element then charge it with your wish and leave it on your altar or carry it in your pocket for the week.

Maybe you are not one to accumulate tangible around your home. Whisper your wishes to the night wind, the moon, the stars, the setting sun, etc. Are you musical? Sing them. Use the 4 elements themselves when casting your wishes. Be as individual and creative as you can be.

The witches year has 4 quarters. A time of Repose, Birth, Life, and Death. The Witches Year ended on Samhain. We are in the post harvest season, a period of symbolic death right now. The year begins and the Wheel turns once more on Yule. Seasonally, Winter brings a season of rest and repose. It is in this time where we will dream of ideas and then develop plans to place them into action. As pagans and Witches, we know that light follows dark, day comes from night, and Summer follows Winter. The seeds of new life come from the death in The Harvest.

The greatest gift of this season is Hope. Hope that the Sun will return to His full strength, warm the Earth and bring forth life again in Spring. May the wishes you make help you through this time of death and darkness.. bring you hope, joy and light as the world slowly dies around you. May this time also lead you to comfort in the deep quiet of your soul and feeling safe and secure as you embrace the darkness within yourself. By admitting to yourself what it is that you wish for and not what it is that you need, you just might get a glimpse of who it is you really are or wish to be when no one is looking or judging you by your choices and desires.

Come, sit in the dark and get to know yourself better.

Here is a 3 part YouTube Video to watch titled ‘The Truth about Religion:


After watching the first video, the link for the second should be available, and likewise, the third.

May you know the Blessings of both the Light & the Dark,
WillowMoon ~* )O( *~

©Rev. Deborah A. Meyerriecks, revised 11/17/2013, developed 11/30/2007 (updated 11/23/2017)

I myself have a candle I charged on Summer Solstice that I will light at Sunrise Winter Solstice to give the strength of the Sun on His longest and strongest day back to Him on His shortest and weakest. Also as a reminder to myself that I only have so much time in this period of darkness and it is already halfway over before the light comes back into balance with the dark. Only so much time for quiet nights and inner tranquility. A reminder not to let the hectic holiday season, where there are so many holy days for so many people, rob me of the time I’ve allocated to work on myself and my inner path workings. A reminder that all time is precious.

I also charge a candle on Winter Solstice which I will light on Summer Solstice as a reminder that I only have so many Long Days of Strong Sun and must use them wisely. )O(

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