Merry Meet!

Merry Meet and Welcome,

It’s been a more than a few months since I decided to start this page.  Someone important to me who cares a lot about me casually asked if I had a website back at the end of November/2017.  I did not and told him such to which he replied “why not???”

I had just spent an amazing week in Arizona dividing my time between camping in and exploring Sedona then teaching, leading ritual, and giving intuitive readings.

None of these activities and endevors were why I travelled to Arizona.

I’ll save that story for another time.

Towards the middle of December I officially called in reinforcements and got help from a great old friend who happens to also be a graphics artist and web designer.  I know there is still a lot of gibberish on the page, that may be his doing but it was my responsibility to create content and, well, it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. However, I am thrilled with the layout design Kurt created for me.  I am in the process of learning how to edit, change, and add content.  To say it is under construction and a work in progresss is an understatement.  I’ll get it done.  I have already begun.

To say this has been a long, cold, dark Winter would be an understatement.  A long dark night of the soul kinda Winter.  Every Winter warms to Spring, even if Spring where I am in New York’s Hudson Valley is still kinda cold.

I look forward to sharing my Witchy self with all of you drop in an visit.

I’ll be updating the site as I learn how.

Merrry Part for now.

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