Huzzah! Old Witch Learns New Tricks!

I have been up since 4am, it is now almost 11am.   Something finally clicked and I figured out how to edit and add content to this marvouls website Kurt Griffith over at Fantastic Realities Studio created for me.   Funny the things we each, individually find easy or hard.  I was a field medic, an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for NYC EMS for over 20 years.   I was hooked from day 2.  (day 1 was a lot of boring paperwork and I had been up all night with my toddler, so not a thrilling day.)  It amazed me how armed with the amazing powers of observation my Instructors taught me how to use and what to look for, plus a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff, I could acurately guess what what going on with my patient and what the best immediate course of treatment should be while bringing them to a higher medical authority to continue care.

We all have an amazing power of observation.  Whether or not we choose to use it or ignore it is the main thing.  Plus whether or not we choose evaluate, listen to and learn from what we observe.  Whether or not we choose to do something with what we are observing or ignore it…

Yeah, so there was this one option on the task menue (if it’s even called that) that I was skipping over because I didn’t know what it meant and nothing I was reading referenced clicking on it.   Today I actually saw it, simply, really saw it.  So I clicked.  Yep, Now I get why eveyone kept saying WordPress is so user friendly and easy to use.  I was told what to do, I just simply didn’t understand and kept trying to put what I was being told into terms I assumed what what they meant for me to do.  I know better than to assume anything, yet here I have been in my one passive way, assuming it was harder than I would be able to figure out.  I even enlisted help from my FB page, “A Witch’s Life.”  Someone local to me even volunteered to help me.  My Goddess is a Warrior Goddess.  Lady knew I needed to do this myself.  I am glad she pushed me to figure it out myself.  I’m learning to have as much faith in myself as She seems to have in me.  When I do, things just start working wonderfully.

Here is the contant info for FRS.  If you need any graphic arts work done, Kurt’s awesome.  Not only did he design the website for me, but he also crafted my WillowMoon logo with a vague concept from me.    I’m a lucky witch who is happy to be here for you.

Blessed Be!


Fantastic Realities Studio
845 623-0940  •  304 500-2142
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