CampAnime 7.0 (2018)

Good Morning Everyone,

I am finally recovering from what my daughter kindly refers to as “Con-Crash.”

CampAnime is a little slice of awesome wonderful.  It is an anime convention that takes place in a YMCA Campground in Woodstock Valley, Conneticut.  This was its 7th year.  The first year, my daughter and her friend found it online and not realizing it at the time,

we were there to participate in the very first year for this con.  My daughter by nature is supportive and kind.  She naturally gave help wherever it was needed and quickly was befriended by Matt Deroma, owner and organizer of CampAnime.  Year 2 CampAnime had its first Den Cabin. Year 1, the con organizers required anyone under 18 years of age to be with a guardian if they were camping.  Year 2 was the first year I presented any panels.  I took basic astrology and created a “What Would Your Super Powers Be….” panel.  It was such a hit that I was cornered into presenting it twice that weekend.  As such, the Witch of CampAnime was installed, LOL.

Year 3, I wore a tie-dye skirt and blew soap bubbles all around camp and I became Rainbow Bubble Witch, Bubble Witch Saga’s favortite aunt.  Each year, I presented Witchy panels with an Anime spin. Sharing part of who I am in a friendly, easy format.  Each year was a big hit.  Some years when CampAnime fell on a Full Moon or Equinox, we held an impromtu open ritual.  One year, Camp was on 9/11.  Being Retired FDNY*EMS, naturally I opted to attend CampAnime but I did hold a brief memorial at the Peace Pilliar the Camp itself had errected during the Summer before we returned.

For the past few years, two very good friends have stepped up to volunteer and act as Den Mothers when needed.  Both practicing witches and skilled Tarot readers.  Last year for Year 6 we held a Japanese influenced Summer Festival in the baseball field, complete with a fortune teller’s booth run by your’s truly.   I was not feeling the best last year as 6 months earlier I had survived a massive heart attack.  Both my amazing and caring friends came prepared to run the booth if I needed a break or just plain wasn’t up to it.  To our surprise, the Mystic’s Booth was a huge hit with attendees and staff and volunteers all lining up to get a reading!  The three of us gave mini readings for almost 2 hours straight and I continued to read for another 1.5 hours!

This year CampAnime 7.0 was the weekend of Autumn Equinox.   CampAnime hosted a Summer’s End Festival and the three of us  ran the Mystic’s Booth again on Saturday night.  Sunday Afternoon, I ran a panel on an intro the basic tarot interpretations to a full room.  I guess it helped that I have the Japanese Manga Tarot. :)

I want to take this time to share who my amazing friends are who have year after year stepped up to not only help these past 2 conventions with the Mystics Booth, but have also given of themselves and stepped up as CampAnime volunteers.  They have helped with everything from being Den Moms, The Audio Video Techs for other panelists, supervising the BonFire, hot dog roast, roasting marshmallows and making s’mores, to impromtu MC’ing an “open mic” without a mic on the stage next to the bonfire.

This is part of my Mission to be In Service.  Sure, I love officiating your Baby’s Blessing, your Handfasting and Weddings, providing support and counseling when needed, and mentorship.  However, putting service into living practice and still being able to share who I am and how I identify myself as a Witch, is very special.  It matters not if CampAnime 8.0 in 2018 falls on a Full Moon, a Sabbat, or anyother date.  I will always be at CampAnime.  I hope you will join us next year so I can show you why I love it so much.

Drop me a line if you would like more information about how to support CampAnime.  Learn more about the convention at   For year round information about CampAnime and “Mini-Con events” follow them on Facebook

The Owner/Founder/Organizer of CampAnime is Matt Deroma, who owns and operates Matt’s Sports Cards & Comics, located at 169 Elm Street, Enfield, CT

My sister witches who joined the CampAnime Family are:

Rev.Janet M. Pagan,  Holistic Health Practicioner (A.A.D.P. Certified) who specializes in Reiki, Ayarvedic Nutrition, Health Coaching, and Spriritual Consutations.  Contact her at:  / (646) 408-0759   Owner of Phoenix Sol HP

Lashette Williams, specializing in Bath Magic, Journaling & Divination for Self Care.  Owner/Founder of Scarlet Moon Creations. Website:    Blog:   email:

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