The 12 Omen Days

Last year a friend of mine created a group so we could have a safe place to discuss The 12 Omen Days following Christmas. Not religious, this is about looking for augary, omens and signs to give us insight about the coming year. Looking back over the year now as the Omen days are approaching once more, I see those omens and augaries were valuable help and proved to be quite accurate for me.

The Twelve Days of Christmas, beginning December 26th and ending with 12th Night on January 6th are the intercalary days also known as ‘the Omen Days.’ ‘Intercalary days’ are the days left over between calculating the difference between the the solar year and the modern calendar. Intercalation is about timekeeping and keeping our calendar true to our actual relation with the sun’s position. Leap Year Day is one such example.
In Catholic Church Litergy they talk of Ordinary TIme and special periods of observance. The 12 Intercalary Days are special because they are considered to be ‘the days out of time.’ It is in this interval between the ordinary count of days that gods are born or conceived in many different mythologies While I won’t go into all the other mythologies with you in this post, here is the blogspot post that inspired our group last year. I will be observing the 12 Omen days again this year.

If you are interested in doing the same, starting December 26th use whatever oracle methods suits you best. I used a variety last year. Some days going out into Nature and asking for a sign while other days pulling an oracle card, doing a tarot reading or even scrying.

  • December 26th – January
  • December 27th – February
  • December 28th – March
  • December 29th – April
  • December 30th – May
  • December 31st – June
  • January 1st – July
  • January 2nd – August
  • January 3rd – September
  • January 4th – October
  • January 5th – November
  • January 6th – December

I recommend keeping a bit of a journal or a list. You won’t need to write much but you’ll appreciate having a record of which omen was for which month and what thoughts were brought to mind. Perhaps revisit your list or writings as a means to prepare for the month in advance.

Life is Magickal. All you have to do is be open to see it.


Read the blogpost here:

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