Witch gets comfortable with Video

Back in June I was attending a memorial service of someone who was a NYC EMS Line of Duty Death in 1994. The service was timed with a plaque dedication on the memorial wall in the newly renovated station house. One of my old stations. After the service, I took to a quiet corner, made a 2 minute Facebook Live video and talked about different levels of working with and honoring our ancestors.

I made another short FB Live video the next day, and the next day… etc. Its been over 2 months now that I have published a new FB Live video nearly every day. The feedback on my Page A Witches’ Life has been incredible. Most days that I don’t publish a short video it is because poor signal wherever I am or issues with the FB Platform that day.

I am finally taking the plunge and following advice people in my inner circle have been giving me for a couple years. I am going to create a You-Tube channel to upload these brief talks to and potentially recordings of video classes I have already and will continue to conduct.

I am excited about all of this. Tomorrow I leave for Harvest Gathering at Camp Cedarcrest in Orange Conneticut. I am honored to be invited as one of the Priests evoking the Elements during Ritual in the Forest, have been given the Element of Spirit. After the weekend I will start to figure out what actually needs to be done to create a You-Tube channel or if there are better platforms to consider.

Life is Magical, So Are You.

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